Leonard M. Novak

Leonard M. Novak, age 70, of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin died March 6, 2012 at his home in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.

Memorial services will be 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 31, 2012 at the Roseberry’s Funeral Home in Friendship, Wisconsin.   Rev. Wesley Wassell will officiate.  Interment will be at the Townline Cemetery, Town of Springville, Adams  County, Wisconsin.

Visitation will be 10:30 a.m until the time of service on Saturday at Roseberry’s Funeral Home.

Leonard was born October 30, 1941 in Chicago, Illinois to Stanley and Mary Ann Nowak. He graduated from DeLaSalle High School in Chicago and attended DeVry University. While in High School he met Roseanne “Cookie” and they were married on November 3, 1962 in Chicago, Illinois. This marriage was blessed with three children, Rosalind, Anita & Lenard.  They were married for 49 years.

He was a service representative for Bruning/AM for many years, and then did independent service work for an additional four years at which time he and his family moved to Adams County in 1980.  For the past 21 years he and Roseanne have been adult family home care providers. Leonard enjoyed being a “jack of all trades”: refinishing furniture, building his own home, fixing cars and anything mechanical.  His kids knew him as Dr. Nuts & Twigs because he had a passion for gardening and all things related to homeopathic remedies.  He enjoyed spending time with his grandkids and was very tolerant when his granddaughter would “require” him to play dress-up—he wore many hats!  He also spent a lot of time with his grandsons making special projects in the workshop. Most of all he loved the time that he and his wife spent together.

He was preceded in death by his parents, Stanley & Mary Ann Nowak and his Grandson, Leonard Dwayne Carter.

Wife:  Roseanne Novak of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Daughter:  Rosalind (Ron) Lyness of Eldorado, Wisconsin
Daughter:  Anita (Chuck) Carter of Friendship, Wisconsin
Son:  Lenard (Lynn) Novak of Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin
Granddaughter:  Annette Lueck of Oshkosh, Wisconsin
Grandsons:  Cole & Cade Carter of Friendship, Wisconsin
Sister:  Marcia (Paul) Rainey of Austell, Georgia
Sister in Law:  Shirley Petruzzo of Lockport, Illinois
Nieces, Nephews & Cousins

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  1. Jaime Tennyson (Janikowski) says:

    I heard about your loss and pray for your peace and comfort during these difficult days. Even though I have not seen your family in such a long time, I remember you all dearly. All the messages about Lenny and even the picture above show what a warm hearted man he was and will be missed by many. Please know that you all are in our thoughts and hopefully we can see each other again soon. Please tell Wendy I say “hi” and miss her as well. Peace, Love, and Blessings Jaime, Shilo, Shawn, and Leo

  2. Samantha George says:

    Cookie and Family, My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. I can never find the right words to say however when I think of Lenny I see him bustling around the van at camp loading or unloading during drop off and pick up time.

  3. Therese Traut says:

    To the Novak family,
    I didn’t know Lenny well, but I know that he was the head of a loving family and that you will all miss him dearly. I am so sorry for your loss.

  4. Ann Ovsak (Tomlinson) says:

    Novak Family,
    I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Leonard. I will never forget the kindness your family showed to mine. May your beautiful memories bring you peace and comfort.

  5. Renne and Joe Pinson/First ClassTaxi says:

    You have my sincerest condolences for your loss, Novak family. Even tho we have not been in touch lately, our lives were touched by his and Cookies faith and positive spirits and not forgotten, even after all these years.

  6. Janis Rhinehart says:

    Yoy have my deepest sympathy. Your in my thoughts and prayers

  7. Ron Marshall, Jr says:

    Cookie, Ros, Anita and Lennie

    Just heard about Len. I am sorry for your loss. My condolences go to you and your families. You will be in my prayers

    I will see you on the 31st

  8. Marcia Wlezien Rainey says:

    My brother, Lenny…one of the kindest and most thoughtful people in the world. He had the strength of men twice his size, not only physical strength, but the strength to carry on despite the obstacles he was forced to confront. Seriously burned at age 9, he suffered greatly as a child – but he never gave up. As an adult, despite other injuries, he never gave up. He dearly loved his family–and even though he might not have told them that he loved them, he showed it in many ways. He will be missed by all; I miss him and think of him every day. And, I believe that he knows that he is loved and missed.

  9. Darcy Little says:

    Dear Ros, Anita, Lenard, Lynn and the rest of the family.
    I am so sorry for your loss. My thought are with you in this time of sorrow.

    May your memories carry you along the rough road ahead, and in your sorrow, may you find peace.

  10. Tanya, Genice, Stephanie, Luis, and family says:

    Cookie, Wendy, and family,
    We are very grateful for what Lenny, Cookie, and all of the family have done for our family in devoting all of their time in taking care of Wendy, and how wonderful Lenny and you have been. All of the compassion, strength, and courage that you have throughout the years. We are very blessed to have you in our lives. We are very sorry for the Loss of Lenny, he will be greatly missed. We love you very much and you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    With all of our love,
    Tanya, Genice, Stephanie, Luis and family!

  11. Dan Gibas says:

    It is so sad that such a wondefull person had to leave us so soon. I guess you can say that I have known him all my life but knew so little about him till later in life. Wish I was able to have spent more time with him and his entire family as they are all simply wonderfull people. I will miss him greatly. No one person, especially one with such a big and giving heart, should have suffered so much in one lifetime and I am sure he has been greatly rewarded with his own workbench in heaven and is probably up there fixing something for someone even now as I am writing this. My deepest sympathies go to the entire family and all who knew him as we have all lost a simply wonderfull person

  12. Mary Christison says:

    I am fairly sure I do not have the right words! Nothing seems big enough for the man who treated so many like family. I remember him laughing at me as I tried to study 50 million speech sounds in college and then quietly supporting me when I changed my major and was nervous. He was constantly puttering with something and loved to share his knowledge with others. These are just a quick couple of my memories and to say he will be greatly missed is an understatement!

  13. penny sellhausen says:

    anita, chuck & family so sorry for ur loss.

  14. Shirley Petruzzo says:

    Lenny was the best brother-in-law anyone could have. He was a kind & gentle man with a great sense of humor,which made him extraordinary based on all the suffering he endured in the hospitals as a child & the physical effects it caused him for the rest of his life. However, nothing ever kept him down. He has done so much for me my entire life, right up until the very end, even while dealing with his cancer. I am eternally grateful & will miss him very much. I’ve known Lenny since I was 8 yrs. old & thanks to him I was the only kid with a carburator in my doll buggy. With his gentleness & humor he would allow his granddaughter to dress him in fancy hats & boas while he sat in his chair & watched TV. Great times-great memories. Since his passing, I’ve had my own personal sign that let me know he arrived in heaven. Never had any doubt about it. God bless you Len & watch over Cookie & the whole family.

  15. Traudi Hoover says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Lenny. My thoughts and prayers are with you. He will be missed. The Novak family is near and dear to my heart and I love you guys.

  16. Lloyd and Pam VanBeek says:

    Cookie, Anita, Lenard, and Ros, So sorry to hear of Lenny’s passing. He was always a jolly man to be around and always had a smile on his face. We are thinking of you in this time of need. Our thought’s and prayer’s are with you at this time..

  17. alane-michael coleman [sureway taxi] says:

    cookie and family we are so sorry to hear of leonards passing. our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    we will always be here if you need to talk or need anything. he was an awesome man.

  18. Lisa Gurecki says:

    I am so sorry to hear of Leonard’s passing. My heart goes out to your entire family. It is so hard to lose someone so close. May God be with you to help you through this difficult time.

  19. Lori Haschke says:

    Roseanne, Anita and Family, My deepest sympathy goes out to your family. I know how devoted Lenny has been to Wendy all of these years, and what a kind and compassionate man he was to all differently abled persons. He will have a special place in Heaven. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  20. Herb & Lois Babcock says:

    Cookie and family, we are so sorry to hear of Lenny’s passing. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you all. If we can be of any help to you please don’t hesitate to call.

  21. Hovlands servicenter says:

    I wanted to take a few moments after reflecting many, that included Lenny here at work and out on the street or in the stores. What a huge loss to the community to loose such a wonderful friend. I am so glad as well as the others employed here and friends elsewhere that we all had an opportunity to know a small piece of Lennys friendship. We all send our sympathy and prayers to the family and will always remember Lenny in our own special ways. Dan Hovland and staff, Phil and Julie Smolen.