Pamela Jean Wright

Pamela Jean Wright
Pamela Jean Wright (Stout) Took her first breath November 23rd, 1959 in the arms of her parents Joyce and Robert Stout in Madison WI. She graduated from Waunakee Highschool, and played trombone in the band. She was active in the choir and played Mother Teresa in the Sound of Music. She was an officer of the Future Homemakers of America. She went on to graduate from Madison College Practical Nursing program. She breathed her last, on February 4th 2024, surrounded by her children, a few of her grandchildren and her sister Barb at UW hospital in Madison WI. She is preceded in death by both her parents, her little brother Danny, Jesse Sr(nephew) JJ(great nephew) Becky(niece) a husband Tom O’Connell (m. 1983-1991) And long term partner Tommy Toycen. She is survived by her sisters Kim and Barb(Tony) and her brother Dean(Vicki) Her children and grandchildren Robbie, his daughters Ella and Izzy. Nellie, her children Zavi, Ziya and Markell. Nina, her children Kevi, Kiyah and Kaleb. Quanda(Harry) and her daughters Liya, Nomi, Fi, Mani and Geni. Candie, her children Mercy, Laney and Zeke Nieces and nephews Jenni, Angie, Crystal and Blake. Aunts, uncles, great nieces/nephews and cousins. Her Darbo & “adopted” kids, many grateful patient family members from her days as a nurse, her Dollar Tree team and customers, and countless others, never far from her mind who loved and were loved by her. Services will be held on February 24th at 10am at Life Center Madison 4402 Femrite Drive, Madison WI 53716 and are open to the public. With light refreshments to follow. Donations can be made to Neurofibromatosis Midwest, but flowers are absolutely welcome. Pam especially loved lilacs, and as a nurse deserves a field of daisies. “I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I’m living my mommy you’ll be.”
I would stop in Dollar Tree every weekend to see Pam, she was always positive and upbeat no matter what. She always was so good to her customers and greeted them with a smile. She will be missed.