Susan (Margach) Burdick

Susan (Margach) Burdick

Susan(Margach) Burdick – age 53, slipped into the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ, on July 13, 2024 in the Burdick home she loved with her family.

Suzie was an exceptional woman.  Her smile, words of encouragement, Scottish accent and Christian faith were her trade mark.

Susan was born on Easter Sunday, April 11, 1971 to Marion and Peter Margach in Glasgow, Scotland.  She married Jim Coyle in 1992, a Scottish-American.  They moved to the United States.  Jim died in 1998 after a 9 month fight with Cancer in Tucson, AZ. Susan married Stuart Burdick on March 31, 2001.  Tuscon was their primary home base, but Stuart’s work took them to different assignments with the Air Force, including Japan and Arkansas.  Upon Stuart’s retirement in 2013, they moved back to the Burdick farmstead in Easton, Wisconsin.

Susan worked for the Moundview-Gunderson Hospital in Friendship from 2013 –2023.  Her cancer diagnosis/treatments dictated her early departure from a job she enjoyed.

Susan loved her family and friends and felt blessed by them all.  She was preceded in death by her mother, Marion Downie; mothers-in-law:  Marilyn Burdick and LaVerne Burdick; Step-father, Ian Beattie; and step-brother, Ian Beattie.

She is survived by her loving husband Stuart Burdick; father, Peter Margach; father-in-law, Edwin Burdick; step-siblings: Mhairi Beattie & Fraser Beattie; sisters-in-law:  Nancy (David) Seelenbinder & Anita(Donald) Genrich; Children: Melissa Mitchell (AZ) and Jeremy (Amanda) Burdick(TX); 6 granddaughters; 3 great-grandsons; and many nieces, nephews, cousins, and aunts/uncles.

A special thank you to all the medical staff who helped Suzie in this past year and the Hospice care workers in the last two months.

A Celebration of Life will be held at the Roseberry’s Funeral Home in Friendship on Friday – July 26, 2024.  Visitation will start at 11:00am.  The service, officiated by Pastor Sam Downey, will start at 2pm.  Susan always said, “At my celebration of life I would like the women to dress in red and wear fancy hats!”  💋

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  1. Dena Darpli says:

    A rare, treasured beauty. So many good times to remember. Love and miss you Suey!

  2. Jayne Lea says:

    Susan, you will always hold a special place in my heart, always be an inspiration, and always be missed in this life. Your sparkly eyes, wonderful smile, bubbly personality, kindness and compassion may be gone from this earth but will live on in the hearts and minds of those who had the absolute pleasure and joy of having you in our lives. Stuart, you and the rest of the family are in my thoughts and prayers. With much love, much sadness, but also much joy that in her time on earth Susan lived a full, happy and very wonderful life, especially the last 24 years with you xx

  3. Lenora and Mike Cherry says:

    A remarkable God fearing woman, gone way too soon! Susie, the legacy you have left behind for generations to come will never go dormant! You will be missed so much. My prayers are with family and friends to have peace and understanding during this difficult time, in Jesus’s mighty and precious name, Amen!

  4. Sabrina Barillas says:

    Our deepest condolences to Stu, the entire Burdick family . Our hearts and prayers go out to you . Sue was one of a kind. She has such an amazing presence , her smile could lighten up a room, her quick wit , her way of making you feel like you’ve you known each other for years and you just met her .Her faith gave her a strong core and her family whom she adored gave her a beautiful heart and soul 🌸🩷🌸 Suzie -Q had many roles daugther, wife, niece, sister( all types) Grandma, great grandma, co-worker but The one I’ll cherish the most is Friend🩷 thank you for coming into my life .I will miss you my wee friend. May you Rest in Paradise ✝️

  5. Tammy says:

    My condolences to the family. I knew and spoke with Susan a couple of times she was a sweet person.

  6. Donna says:

    A Scottish heart, a love so vast, A great person, from first to last, Their kindness shone, a beacon bright, A guiding star, through darkest nights. They stood for truth, embraced the weak, Their love, a force, a river deep, A life of honor, compassion, and grace, Our dear friend, forever embraced. We’ll celebrate the life they led, A love unbroken, a path well-tread, My dear friend, forever near, A Scottish legacy, in memory clear. Rest easy Susan 💔

  7. Diane Bevins says:

    Susie will be cherished in my heart, my Sister in Christ. It has been an honor to know her and serve others with her. Heaven has received a beautiful Angel, Praise be to God!! My deepest condolences and prayers for all of her
    beloved family members.

  8. Cara Henderson says:

    Auntie Suzie, you left a mark on our hearts that nothing could ever erase. We love and miss you xx

  9. Diana Broniec says:

    My sincere condolences to Susan’s family and friends. She was an absolute treasure and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to know her.

  10. Teresa Marti says:

    My deepest sympathy to Susan’s family. She was a delight to be around. Teresa Marti

  11. Elizabeth Simpson says:

    My dear friend, I will miss you so❤️ Thoughts are with you Stuart take care.

  12. Peter Clark Margach says:

    Taken far to soon from this world. Now at peace.
    My thoughts are with Stuart,and myself at this difficult time.
    Peter Margach (dad).

  13. Dick and Marj Colby says:

    Condolences to Sue’s family. Her engaging smile would provide light wherever she was. We are all better people for knowing her. We are blessed.

  14. Lisa heron says:

    Taken far too soon. God bless you my old friend, sleep tight xx

  15. Terri Joy Weichert says:

    I had the privilege of working with Susan at the hospital in Friendship. Her warm smile would brighten any room right along with her cheery disposition. She was a joy to be around! ❤️

    Knowing the Savior, will bring perfect peace.
    May His peace and comfort surround those she so dearly loved.

  16. Ed Heideman says:

    Stew I am sorry for your loss it’s never easy losing the love of your life. Rember all the good times together.

  17. Allen J. Baumgartner Sr. says:

    So sorry for your loss , She was a cool person to be around. RIP

  18. Lauren says:

    Auntie Su!

    You are missed so much, you were never far from our thoughts and we spoke of you often! I can’t believe I will never see you again or that you will never meet the newest members of our family! You were one of a kind a beautiful, kind amazing lady!!

  19. Jo Ellen (Boersma) Brown says:

    My sincere sympathy to Susan’s family and friends. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  20. Julie and Bob Goodhue says:

    We are so sorry for your loss of Susan. She was such a nice person; always a ray of sunshine! May your good memories of her sustain you in the days ahead.

  21. Jodi Helgeson and Jim Grabarski says:

    I thought of Susie often on my recent trip to Scotland knowing she was struggling back at home. Our conversations by texting are so treasured. Stuart, know that we are close by if you should need anything. Prayers for all of you on the loss of this sweet girl.

  22. Barb Dehmlow says:

    To Susan’s family and friends, I am sending my sincere condolences to you and yours during this difficult time. I will always remember that sweet accent and beautiful smile. May God comfort you and keep you in his tender care. R.I.P.

  23. Rushell Moyer says:

    Stu, my deepest condolences to you.

  24. Gerald Murphy says:

    Stu so sorry for your loss gone way to soon, may she rest in peace.

  25. Sheila Flahive says:

    I’m so sorry for your loss, Susan was a great lady and always had a big smile on her face. My prayers are with you

  26. Stacey Hamman says:

    Fly High Sweet Susan. You will be TRULY missed. Thoughts and Prayers to Stuart & family.

  27. June Hesler says:


    I am so sorry for your loss. I regret there wasn’t time for Susan and I to get to know each other better and investigate our relatives further.

  28. Mark and Bin Bin Alexander says:

    We are sorry for the Burdick family’s loss. Susan was always a happy person and took life in stride. We only knew Susan from Stu/Susan’s time in Arkansas. Stu deployed from Little Rock Air Force Base to Base X and Y in support of the C-130 Hercules Mission. Susan stood strong in support of Stu’s Deployment and stayed with Stu in his many relocations. Susan was a awesome support spouse to Stu’s career and it reflects her selflessness/caring nature. GOD Bless Susan’s climb on the stairway to heaven. Susan will be missed by all that knew her.

  29. Lizz & Ken Flory says:

    My deepest sympathy to the family. I will always remember her fun loving spirit and her lovely Scottish accent. I’m sure her mother was waiting for her with open arms.

  30. Greg and Deb Zurbuchen says:

    Stu and families, Susie was such a blessing and encouragement to all she touched with her words and that infectious smile. Greg and I were so blessed to serve with you both on our Emmaus teams. Sooo much fun!!!! You all are in our prayers and know we will see Susie again .

  31. Judith V. Bieri says:

    Ed and family I am so sorry for your loss. I used to talk to Susan when she would come to visit me at the gift shop. She is at peace ow and not suffering.

  32. Jennifer Parr-Murphy and family says:

    So sorry for your loss! She was a bright light to everyone she came across ❤️

  33. Lisa Massen says:

    My condolences to her family and friends! She touched so many lives positively. What a great woman!

  34. Kathleen Jury says:

    The loss of Susie to the Walk to Emmaus and to countless others whose lives her faith and compassion touched will be felt for years to come. I will miss her smile, her grace, and her all-accepting love for all of God’s children. Lon and I will be holding your family in prayer and we will hold the memory of this amazing woman of God.

  35. Peg Lecy says:

    I’m so sorry on your loss. Susan was a sweet lady
    Sore high